a theme
30th July - 5th August
Monday 07/30 Tuesday 07/31 Wednesday 08/01 Thursday 08/02 Friday 08/03 Saturday 08/04 Sunday 08/05
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Guided tour Circuit D. Guided tours more details more details
  • 06:30pm
  • 08:30pm
more details
Circuit D. Guided tours The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 16, 23, 30 JUL 2018 * 6 AND 13 AUG 2018 * 6:30 pm and 8:30pm Visit the chateau and its park during an offbeat guided tour and enter a unique world. details
6th-12th August
Monday 08/06 Tuesday 08/07 Wednesday 08/08 Thursday 08/09 Friday 08/10 Saturday 08/11 Sunday 08/12
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Concert Concerts - Summer 2018 more details
Académie Provençale des Amis de Stuttgart more details more details

Académie Provençale des Amis de Stuttgart

  • 08:30pm
more details
more details more details more details more details more details
Syrinx, le Souffle des Muses more details more details more details

Syrinx, le Souffle des Muses

  • 08:30pm
more details
more details more details more details more details
Concerts - Summer 2018 The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 10 JUNE > 8 AUG 2018 Discover several classical concerts this summer in the Renaissance courtyard of the chateau of Suze-la-Rousse. details
Guided tour Circuit D. Guided tours more details more details
  • 06:30pm
  • 08:30pm
more details
Circuit D. Guided tours The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 16, 23, 30 JUL 2018 * 6 AND 13 AUG 2018 * 6:30 pm and 8:30pm Visit the chateau and its park during an offbeat guided tour and enter a unique world. details
13th-19th August
Monday 08/13 Tuesday 08/14 Wednesday 08/15 Thursday 08/16 Friday 08/17 Saturday 08/18 Sunday 08/19
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Guided tour Circuit D. Guided tours more details more details
  • 06:30pm
  • 08:30pm
more details
Circuit D. Guided tours The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 16, 23, 30 JUL 2018 * 6 AND 13 AUG 2018 * 6:30 pm and 8:30pm Visit the chateau and its park during an offbeat guided tour and enter a unique world. details
20th-26th August
Monday 08/20 Tuesday 08/21 Wednesday 08/22 Thursday 08/23 Friday 08/24 Saturday 08/25 Sunday 08/26
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
27th August - 2nd September
Monday 08/27 Tuesday 08/28 Wednesday 08/29 Thursday 08/30 Friday 08/31 Saturday 09/01 Sunday 09/02
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space

August 2018