One château
a theme
26th June - 2nd July
Monday 06/26 Tuesday 06/27 Wednesday 06/28 Thursday 06/29 Friday 06/30 Saturday 07/01 Sunday 07/02
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
The Château of Montélimar
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Grignan

The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

The Château of Montélimar

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Exhibition Pop Art, voir plus... The Adhémars' château/Saint-Martin museum more details
more details more details more details more details more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details
Pop Art, voir plus... The Château of Montélimar 6 MAY > 31 OCT 2017 The group exhibition Pop art, voir plus..., born from a partnership between the Adhémars' château and Saint-Martin museum, presents major pop art figures, a popular movement that started in the 1950s in the USA and Britain. Next to them, are exhibited pieces by contemporary artists, heirs of this emblematic period of the history of art. details
Exhibition Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle more details
more details more details more details more details more details more details

Guided tour

  • 04:30pm
more details
Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle The Château of Grignan 25 MAY > 22 OCT 2017 The château of Grignan has for ever been associated with Madame de Sévigné, a woman of letters made famous when her correspondence was published. She often described the "magnificent" quality of the château where her daughter Françoise-Marguerite lived with her husband, the Count of Grignan and Governor of Provence. She only stayed for four years but the "Sévigné impact" definitely left its mark on the place and collective memory. Please note the temperature in the exhibition rooms is 19 degrees celsius - this is essential to ensure the conservation of the art works displayed and lent by various museums and national cultural institutions. details
Show Lorenzaccio more details more details more details more details more details more details more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Lorenzaccio The Château of Grignan 21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017 details
3rd-9th July
Monday 07/03 Tuesday 07/04 Wednesday 07/05 Thursday 07/06 Friday 07/07 Saturday 07/08 Sunday 07/09
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
The Château of Montélimar
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Grignan

The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

The Château of Montélimar

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Exhibition Pop Art, voir plus... The Adhémars' château/Saint-Martin museum more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details
Pop Art, voir plus... The Château of Montélimar 6 MAY > 31 OCT 2017 The group exhibition Pop art, voir plus..., born from a partnership between the Adhémars' château and Saint-Martin museum, presents major pop art figures, a popular movement that started in the 1950s in the USA and Britain. Next to them, are exhibited pieces by contemporary artists, heirs of this emblematic period of the history of art. details
Exhibition Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle more details
more details more details more details more details more details more details

Guided tour

  • 04:30pm
more details
Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle The Château of Grignan 25 MAY > 22 OCT 2017 The château of Grignan has for ever been associated with Madame de Sévigné, a woman of letters made famous when her correspondence was published. She often described the "magnificent" quality of the château where her daughter Françoise-Marguerite lived with her husband, the Count of Grignan and Governor of Provence. She only stayed for four years but the "Sévigné impact" definitely left its mark on the place and collective memory. Please note the temperature in the exhibition rooms is 19 degrees celsius - this is essential to ensure the conservation of the art works displayed and lent by various museums and national cultural institutions. details
Reading | Show Letters festival more details
Full program of the festival more details more details

Full program of the festival

  • 07:30pm
  • 10:00pm
more details

Full program of the festival

  • 07:30pm
  • 10:00pm
more details

Full program of the festival

  • 07:30pm
  • 10:00pm
more details
more details more details more details
Families, je vous haime more details more details

Families, je vous haime

  • 07:30pm
more details
more details more details more details more details more details
The Great Jack London to a Twelve Years Old Person more details more details

The Great Jack London to a Twelve Years Old Person

  • 10:00pm
more details
more details more details more details more details more details
Vincent and Théo Van Gogh, brothers and madness more details more details more details

Vincent and Théo Van Gogh, brothers and madness

  • 07:30pm
more details
more details more details more details more details
Madame de Sévigné « I will be perfect at the end of my life ». Letters to her daughter, the Countess de Grignan more details more details more details

Madame de Sévigné « I will be perfect at the end of my life ». Letters to her daughter, the Countess de Grignan

  • 10:00pm
more details
more details more details more details more details
André Gide. Hors de la lignée more details more details more details more details

André Gide. Hors de la lignée

  • 07:30pm
more details
more details more details more details
« Don't you know I am a great man? » Giacomo Leopardi to his sister Paolina more details more details more details more details

« Don't you know I am a great man? » Giacomo Leopardi to his sister Paolina

  • 10:00pm
more details
more details more details more details
Passion of an abandoned son. Paul Léautaud to his mother more details more details more details more details more details

Passion of an abandoned son. Paul Léautaud to his mother

  • 07:30pm
more details
more details more details
My little Paul: Camille Claudel to her brother more details more details more details more details more details

My little Paul: Camille Claudel to her brother

  • 10:00pm
more details
more details more details
My darlings.Clarice Lispector to her sisters more details more details more details more details more details more details

My darlings.Clarice Lispector to her sisters

  • 07:30pm
more details
more details
"I stay single for both of us" : Kafka to his relatives more details more details more details more details more details more details

"I stay single for both of us" : Kafka to his relatives

  • 07:30pm
more details
more details
Letters festival The Château of Grignan 4 > 8 JULY 2017 Literary meetings and public readings in the courtyard of the chateau of Grignan. 
The 22nd edition of the Letters festival will take place from 4th to 8th July 2017 with the theme "Dear families..."

Bookings by phone : 
04 75 53 63 21, from 11am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm

French-speaking event.
Show Lorenzaccio more details more details more details more details more details more details more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Lorenzaccio The Château of Grignan 21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017 details
10th-16th July
Monday 07/10 Tuesday 07/11 Wednesday 07/12 Thursday 07/13 Friday 07/14 Saturday 07/15 Sunday 07/16
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
The Château of Montélimar
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Grignan

The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

The Château of Montélimar

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Exhibition Pop Art, voir plus... The Adhémars' château/Saint-Martin museum more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details
Pop Art, voir plus... The Château of Montélimar 6 MAY > 31 OCT 2017 The group exhibition Pop art, voir plus..., born from a partnership between the Adhémars' château and Saint-Martin museum, presents major pop art figures, a popular movement that started in the 1950s in the USA and Britain. Next to them, are exhibited pieces by contemporary artists, heirs of this emblematic period of the history of art. details
Exhibition Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle more details
more details more details more details more details more details more details

Guided tour

  • 04:30pm
more details
Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle The Château of Grignan 25 MAY > 22 OCT 2017 The château of Grignan has for ever been associated with Madame de Sévigné, a woman of letters made famous when her correspondence was published. She often described the "magnificent" quality of the château where her daughter Françoise-Marguerite lived with her husband, the Count of Grignan and Governor of Provence. She only stayed for four years but the "Sévigné impact" definitely left its mark on the place and collective memory. Please note the temperature in the exhibition rooms is 19 degrees celsius - this is essential to ensure the conservation of the art works displayed and lent by various museums and national cultural institutions. details
Concert Saoû sings Mozart more details
THE QUEEN AT THE MARQUISE'S more details more details more details more details more details more details more details


  • 08:00pm
more details
Saoû sings Mozart The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
SUN 16 JULY 2017 (Grignan) TUE 18 JULY 2017 (Suze-la-Rousse) A concert at the chateau of Grignan, and one at the chateau of Suze, plus many other places in the Drome.  details
Concert Summer concerts more details
Impro Jazz Club more details more details more details more details more details more details

Impro Jazz Club

  • 09:00pm
more details

Impro Jazz Club

  • 09:00pm
more details
Summer concerts The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 15 JULY – 14 AUG 2017 details
Another De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) more details
L'appel de la garenne more details more details more details more details more details

L'appel de la garenne

  • 04:30pm
more details
more details more details
Cie Du O des Branches - Leaves and performance in the trees more details more details more details more details more details

Cie Du O des Branches - Leaves and performance in the trees

  • 06:00pm
  • 07:30pm
more details
more details more details
Radio M more details more details more details more details more details

Radio M

  • 10:30pm
more details
more details more details
De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 14 JULY > 11 AUG 2017 Every Friday this summer, the château of Suze takes on the atmosphere of an open-air restaurant for everyone's pleasure. Shows and family activities for children in the afternoon, chef Simon and his Inspir'foodtruck, concerts in the courtyard at 21.00 and musical ambiance with Radio M and their trailer (14th and 28th July) and Eriba Sound System (11th August) to finish off the evening under a starry sky. details
Show Lorenzaccio more details more details more details more details more details more details more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Lorenzaccio The Château of Grignan 21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017 details
Concert Thomas Fersen - Songs and monologues in verse more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Thomas Fersen -  Songs and monologues in verse The Château of Suze-la-Rousse FRI 14 JULY 2017 A singer-songwriter and composer, Thomas Fersen has been brightening up the French musical scene for over 25 years with his happy and offbeat songs. On a promoting tour of his tenth album, Un coup de queue de vache, he is stopping in Suze-la-Rousse. details
Cinema Ciné pop sous les étoiles more details more details
  • 09:30pm
more details
Ciné pop sous les étoiles The Château of Montélimar SUN 16, 23 and 30 JULY 2017 - SUN 6 AUG 2017 Free, popular, sexy, fleeting, disposable, quirky, fascinating : Pop Art is an attitude! 


Bookings: 04 75 00 62 30
17th-23rd July
Monday 07/17 Tuesday 07/18 Wednesday 07/19 Thursday 07/20 Friday 07/21 Saturday 07/22 Sunday 07/23
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
The Château of Montélimar
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Grignan

The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

The Château of Montélimar

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Exhibition Pop Art, voir plus... The Adhémars' château/Saint-Martin museum more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details
Pop Art, voir plus... The Château of Montélimar 6 MAY > 31 OCT 2017 The group exhibition Pop art, voir plus..., born from a partnership between the Adhémars' château and Saint-Martin museum, presents major pop art figures, a popular movement that started in the 1950s in the USA and Britain. Next to them, are exhibited pieces by contemporary artists, heirs of this emblematic period of the history of art. details
Exhibition Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle more details
more details more details more details more details more details more details

Guided tour

  • 04:30pm
more details
Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle The Château of Grignan 25 MAY > 22 OCT 2017 The château of Grignan has for ever been associated with Madame de Sévigné, a woman of letters made famous when her correspondence was published. She often described the "magnificent" quality of the château where her daughter Françoise-Marguerite lived with her husband, the Count of Grignan and Governor of Provence. She only stayed for four years but the "Sévigné impact" definitely left its mark on the place and collective memory. Please note the temperature in the exhibition rooms is 19 degrees celsius - this is essential to ensure the conservation of the art works displayed and lent by various museums and national cultural institutions. details
Concert Summer concerts more details
Saoû Chante Mozart more details more details

Saoû Chante Mozart

  • 08:00pm
more details
more details more details more details more details more details
Musicales en Tricastin more details more details more details more details more details more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details
Summer concerts The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 15 JULY – 14 AUG 2017 details
Concert Saoû sings Mozart more details
BERNOLD AND FRIENDS more details more details


  • 08:00pm
more details
more details more details more details more details more details
Saoû sings Mozart The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
SUN 16 JULY 2017 (Grignan) TUE 18 JULY 2017 (Suze-la-Rousse) A concert at the chateau of Grignan, and one at the chateau of Suze, plus many other places in the Drome.  details
Another De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) more details
L'appel de la garenne more details more details more details more details more details

L'appel de la garenne

  • 04:30pm
more details
more details more details
Initiation to juggling parents/children more details more details more details more details more details

Initiation to juggling parents/children
10 years old

  • 05:00pm
more details
more details more details
Meeting with the musicians from the group Résonance more details more details more details more details more details

Meeting with the musicians from the group Résonance

  • 06:00pm
more details
more details more details
De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 14 JULY > 11 AUG 2017 Every Friday this summer, the château of Suze takes on the atmosphere of an open-air restaurant for everyone's pleasure. Shows and family activities for children in the afternoon, chef Simon and his Inspir'foodtruck, concerts in the courtyard at 21.00 and musical ambiance with Radio M and their trailer (14th and 28th July) and Eriba Sound System (11th August) to finish off the evening under a starry sky. details
Show Lorenzaccio more details more details more details more details more details more details more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Lorenzaccio The Château of Grignan 21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017 details
Concert Résonance more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Résonance The Château of Suze-la-Rousse FRI 21 JULY 2017 On the troubadours' footsteps, from northern to southern Europe, three accomplished musicians get together to revive a repertoire of ancient music celebrating love, poetry and music. details
Cinema Ciné pop sous les étoiles more details more details
  • 09:30pm
more details
Ciné pop sous les étoiles The Château of Montélimar SUN 16, 23 and 30 JULY 2017 - SUN 6 AUG 2017 Free, popular, sexy, fleeting, disposable, quirky, fascinating : Pop Art is an attitude! 


Bookings: 04 75 00 62 30
24th-30th July
Monday 07/24 Tuesday 07/25 Wednesday 07/26 Thursday 07/27 Friday 07/28 Saturday 07/29 Sunday 07/30
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
The Château of Montélimar
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Grignan

The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

The Château of Montélimar

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Exhibition Pop Art, voir plus... The Adhémars' château/Saint-Martin museum more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details
Pop Art, voir plus... The Château of Montélimar 6 MAY > 31 OCT 2017 The group exhibition Pop art, voir plus..., born from a partnership between the Adhémars' château and Saint-Martin museum, presents major pop art figures, a popular movement that started in the 1950s in the USA and Britain. Next to them, are exhibited pieces by contemporary artists, heirs of this emblematic period of the history of art. details
Exhibition Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle more details
more details more details more details more details more details more details

Guided tour

  • 04:30pm
more details
Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle The Château of Grignan 25 MAY > 22 OCT 2017 The château of Grignan has for ever been associated with Madame de Sévigné, a woman of letters made famous when her correspondence was published. She often described the "magnificent" quality of the château where her daughter Françoise-Marguerite lived with her husband, the Count of Grignan and Governor of Provence. She only stayed for four years but the "Sévigné impact" definitely left its mark on the place and collective memory. Please note the temperature in the exhibition rooms is 19 degrees celsius - this is essential to ensure the conservation of the art works displayed and lent by various museums and national cultural institutions. details
Concert Summer concerts more details
Musicales en Tricastin more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details
Summer concerts The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 15 JULY – 14 AUG 2017 details
Another De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) more details
Panoramix more details more details more details more details more details

6 years old

  • 04:30pm
more details
more details more details
Facile d'Excès, burlesque skipping rope more details more details more details more details more details

Facile d'Excès, burlesque skipping rope

  • 06:00pm
more details
more details more details
Radio M more details more details more details more details more details

Radio M

  • 10:30pm
more details
more details more details
De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 14 JULY > 11 AUG 2017 Every Friday this summer, the château of Suze takes on the atmosphere of an open-air restaurant for everyone's pleasure. Shows and family activities for children in the afternoon, chef Simon and his Inspir'foodtruck, concerts in the courtyard at 21.00 and musical ambiance with Radio M and their trailer (14th and 28th July) and Eriba Sound System (11th August) to finish off the evening under a starry sky. details
Show Lorenzaccio more details more details more details more details more details more details more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Lorenzaccio The Château of Grignan 21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017 details
Concert Souad Massi more details more details
  • 09:00pm
more details
Souad Massi The Château of Suze-la-Rousse FRI 28 JULY 2017 Often considered as the most beautiful female voice in North Africa, Souad Massi takes to the road again with a brand new concert, accompanied by her two bosom friends, percussionist Rabah Khalfa and guitarist Medhi Dalil. details
Cinema Ciné pop sous les étoiles more details more details
  • 09:30pm
more details
Ciné pop sous les étoiles The Château of Montélimar SUN 16, 23 and 30 JULY 2017 - SUN 6 AUG 2017 Free, popular, sexy, fleeting, disposable, quirky, fascinating : Pop Art is an attitude! 


Bookings: 04 75 00 62 30
31st July - 6th August
Monday 07/31 Tuesday 08/01 Wednesday 08/02 Thursday 08/03 Friday 08/04 Saturday 08/05 Sunday 08/06
details details details details details details details
Opening hours
The Château of Grignan
The Château of Suze-la-Rousse
The Château of Montélimar
self tour details details
Your guided tour
The Château of Grignan

The Château of Suze-la-Rousse

The Château of Montélimar

Tours booking For individual
For individual tickets: tickets are sold on the day at the château, subject to availability.
details Groups
Prior booking is compulsory for groups. Please refer to the dedicated space
Exhibition Pop Art, voir plus... The Adhémars' château/Saint-Martin museum more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm

Pop atelier

  • 10:30am
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details

Visit on your own

  • 10 am-6 pm
more details
Pop Art, voir plus... The Château of Montélimar 6 MAY > 31 OCT 2017 The group exhibition Pop art, voir plus..., born from a partnership between the Adhémars' château and Saint-Martin museum, presents major pop art figures, a popular movement that started in the 1950s in the USA and Britain. Next to them, are exhibited pieces by contemporary artists, heirs of this emblematic period of the history of art. details
Exhibition Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle more details
more details more details more details more details more details more details

Guided tour

  • 04:30pm
more details
Sévigné, writer of the Grand Siècle The Château of Grignan 25 MAY > 22 OCT 2017 The château of Grignan has for ever been associated with Madame de Sévigné, a woman of letters made famous when her correspondence was published. She often described the "magnificent" quality of the château where her daughter Françoise-Marguerite lived with her husband, the Count of Grignan and Governor of Provence. She only stayed for four years but the "Sévigné impact" definitely left its mark on the place and collective memory. Please note the temperature in the exhibition rooms is 19 degrees celsius - this is essential to ensure the conservation of the art works displayed and lent by various museums and national cultural institutions. details
Concert Summer concerts more details
Musicales en Tricastin more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details

Musicales en Tricastin

  • 08:00pm
more details
Summer concerts The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 15 JULY – 14 AUG 2017 details
Another De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) more details
Panoramix more details more details more details more details more details

6 years old

  • 04:30pm
more details
more details more details
Cie Les Boulons en papillon - Synchronies more details more details more details more details more details

Cie Les Boulons en papillon - Synchronies

  • 06:00pm
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De Cour en garenne (From Courtyard to warren) The Château of Suze-la-Rousse 14 JULY > 11 AUG 2017 Every Friday this summer, the château of Suze takes on the atmosphere of an open-air restaurant for everyone's pleasure. Shows and family activities for children in the afternoon, chef Simon and his Inspir'foodtruck, concerts in the courtyard at 21.00 and musical ambiance with Radio M and their trailer (14th and 28th July) and Eriba Sound System (11th August) to finish off the evening under a starry sky. details
Show Lorenzaccio more details more details more details more details more details more details more details more details
  • 09:00pm
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Lorenzaccio The Château of Grignan 21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017 details
Another Ensemble Boréades, Renaissance ball more details more details
  • 09:00pm
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Ensemble Boréades, Renaissance ball The Château of Suze-la-Rousse FRI 4 AUG 2017 Accompanied by the Boréades Ensemble, you will dance effortlessly to the sound of surprising instruments, to the rhythm of percussions and flutes... A participating ball where people of all ages will travel to a period forgotten but full of life and joy, the Renaissance! details
Cinema Ciné pop sous les étoiles more details more details
  • 09:30pm
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Ciné pop sous les étoiles The Château of Montélimar SUN 16, 23 and 30 JULY 2017 - SUN 6 AUG 2017 Free, popular, sexy, fleeting, disposable, quirky, fascinating : Pop Art is an attitude! 


Bookings: 04 75 00 62 30

July 2017